17 Easy At-Home Activities for 1-Year Olds

With the rise of COVID-19, and more and more areas asking people to practice social distancing, many parents are trying to find ways to care for their children while working from home. As of today, all the non-essential businesses (including daycares) in our state have been asked to close for two weeks – so it’s looking like things won’t be back to normal anytime soon!

I am strongly in support of social distancing (this is a great article on why), but when it comes to working from home and caring for a child, Jamie is at a tough age. He isn’t capable of much independent play yet, and still requires pretty hands-on care most of the day. Luckily, Scott and I are both able to work from home and are working in shifts so Jamie can be cared for. However, we both have plenty of work to get done and not enough time to do it, so we have developed a list of simple activities that will hopefully help hold his attention.

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