Welcoming Clara: Our Natural Birth Story

It’s hard to believe that this already happened five months ago. Time has gone so much more quickly this second time around! My labor with Clara was SO different than with Jamie (read his birth story here!), and I love having a record of the whole experience. I used mainly hypnobirthing techniques and put in a lot of work beforehand, and I really believe that it allowed me to have a smooth and peaceful delivery.

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Welcoming James: Our Birth Story

Welcoming James: Our Birth Story | Michelle Amanda Wilson

Today, I am so excited to share my birth story. Although pretty much every single part of my labor and delivery experience was completely opposite of what I expected, I am so proud of my birth story! I read countless birth stories online when I was preparing for my delivery, and they were enormously helpful to me. I’m sharing my own experience in hopes that it can be helpful to other expecting moms! Childbirth is proof that women are amazing and strong, and while my birth story wasn’t what I had imagined, it was even better.

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